富士の山ビエンナーレ2018 [group]
2018年 | インスタレーション
2018 | Installation
Exploring the theme of the earth’s water cycle, this work comprised video footage and a map. In a way, humans
and the things that humans make are all pathways through which water passes. Reico Motohara examined a sink and her own body as expressions of the border between tap water and sewage. Local spring water passes through her and becomes sewage, before heading out to sea and owing away. Carrying the ceramic sink she made herself and pursuing that direction, Motohara steered our awareness toward the relationship between humanity and the constant cycle of water.
Curator: Keisuke Ozawa
Organizer: Fujinoyama Biennale Executive Committee
Cooperation: Akira Okamoto (carpenter), Tomoko Fujita (lighting), Fuji City Hall Water and Sewerage Department, Hiyori Yamaguchi (Tokoha University)