Artist in residence at european ceramic work centre, s-Hertogenbosh, Holland ekwc (European Ceramic Work Center) is a Dutch research institute specializing in ceramics, with the world’s leading facilities and technicians. It also has a digital lab. I set off on the project “Ceramics A to Z” and made S for Sink, B for Bricks, and P for plate during the 3 month stay.
ekwc(ヨーロッパ・セラミック・ワーク・センター)はセラミック表現に特化したオランダの研究機関として世界屈指の設備と技術者を擁し、近年ではデジタルラボも併設している。レジデンスでは、プロジェクト”Ceramics A to Z”の中から、S for Sink と、B for Bricks、P for plateを制作した。3ヶ月間の滞在について、冊子「Don’t Think. Just Do it.」にまとめた。
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, I visited an evacuation centre and met a young mother who didn’t take anything with her because she couldn’t decide what she really needed. Her story relates to the English phrase, “Everything but the kitchen sink”. It is a metaphor for the person who packs her entire house but leaves the kitchen sink because it is one of the last things you would bring since it is difficult to move.
A lady with the kitchen sink on her back symbolizes the question of “What do we really need to live?”. I made the mobile kitchen sink in the Artist in Residence program at the European Ceramic Work Centre in 2011. It is an original design in which I try to keep the typical sanitary form and fit for a universal drain system. It is a highly technical construction using a double-sided slip casting method.