21.08 – 22.10.2023 Artist in Residence @NART
21.10.2023 Pop-up Exhibition
During two months of their residency, Reico and Kabo – two Japanese artists, were visiting the kitchens of a dozen people living in Narva, and cooking and eating their traditional family dishes together. Now they’re inviting everyone to talk, eat, share stories and recipes.
The pop-up exhibition and talk was held the end of their redsidency, together they aslo made home-made sushi for their guests and exchanging their recipes. People came with homemade berry jams, soups and breads, brought their family recipes and brought back even more ideas.
In Japan, there is a saying, “We eat rice from the same pot”. By cooking and eating rice together, we can transcend ethnic, cultural, political and national differences and become people living together in the same world.
photo: kabo