「100g」のキモチは、参加者が100gの粘土の可能性について学びながら自由な作品を作る試みです。2008年より静岡、東京、松本、金沢、福岡など全国6ヶ所で9回開催し、12歳から69歳までのべ109人が参加しました。2011年にはartist in residence で滞在したオランダのekwc(european ceramic work centre)でも一般参加者10名と開催しました。2012年、シンガポールのSchool of the Arts Singaporeの学生13名も参加した。
きっかけは、ある日、100gの土玉をいくつもつくり、さてここから全部ちがうカタチ、どれだけバリエーションを出せるかやってみようと始めたこと。 同じものを作ろうとしてもできないことはわかっていたが、参加者の作品の多様性に驚き、あらためて土の可能性を感じている。
Workshop Programme (3-hour workshop)
The seed for this project began when I sat down to work with 100 grams of clay and I thought of trying to see how many various works I could think of. I found there was no way to make the exact same thing, but at the same time discovered new possibilities with clay.
Participants are given 100 grams of clay which they are free to turn it into anything they wish. Started in 2008, workshops have been held 15 times in various places in Japan and Holland. The participants ranging in age from 12 to 69 were Japanese, Singaporean, Thai and Dutch.
Through this project I found the clay reflected the personal feeling at each moment and has a power of healing. There were participants who worked with 100g clay for several times.
From the endless variety of artwork created, one comes to understand that no one thing, no one person is the same; there is also surprise at the number of possibilities with just 100 grams of clay.
It is a ceramic spectrum!